Connie Meves
Among Port Medical Management’s most impressive operational strengths are its efficient accounting and reporting systems, and these processes rely heavily on the experience and expertise of Connie Meves. A Port Medical team member for over 15 years, Connie is primarily responsible for Accounts Payable/Receivable. Additionally, she plays an essential role in auditing, documentation, reconciliation, and forecasting, as well as a significant role in the negotiation of medical contracts. Prior to joining the Port Medical staff, she worked for ten years in the medical services field and spent three years at the university level as an international advisor. This native Texan hails from Port Arthur, a major refining and shipping center for the southeast, and completed undergraduate and post graduate degrees at the University of St. Thomas. Her extended connection and service to the medical, government, and immigration fields, coupled with her “port city” roots, are put to work in daily service to seafarers in need of healthcare.
“I find it fascinating and inspiring working with people from all over the globe. I learn something new about a different part of the world every day.”